Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Tiny, Baby Steps

Well, weight is up a bit from yesterday, all of his numbers are looking good. The only bad number a few days ago was the sodium count, but they added a supplement to his feeds that have helped that one. Aside from wanting to pull out his oxygen and feed tubes from time to time, he is doing well.

They are holding off on the echo cardiogram at this point to hope to find some good progress. They may do one at the end of the week. So far, the heart's size seems pretty consistent, and they want to see it shrink quite a bit.

They repeated that they want to see Timmy stay 'boring' for a while before they make any decisions, so we are happy that things remain fairly boring. Jen is far from bored, though. Today the nursing staff has been busy with other patients, so she has stayed busier keeping Timmy happy and comfortable. Between pumping to provide milk for the feedings, and caring for Timmy (cleaning, changing, holding & soothing, and even moisturizing to keep his skin looking so good), she stays busy. The boring is more on the end of the reading of the numbers and the lack of surprises in Timmy's condition. I guess a nice busy boring is the normal we like at this point.


  1. What a cheery little face! Surprised he is only pulling the tubes "from time to time" - they look like ready made toys.

    1. Yes, and now that he is moving around more again, I guess he finds his tubes more often!
