Friday, April 26, 2019

Happy Birthday, Timmy!

Today is Timmy's birthday. 

He would have been 3 years old today. 

As we had begun working on introducing tastes and textures to Timmy, this birthday may 
have even included him being able to enjoy a taste of his birthday cake. 

But even as tasty of treats as we make and enjoy in this house, the things we could offer him pale in comparison to what he now enjoys - the freedom from feeding tube, oxygen tubes, and medications. 

So, how are we doing? We are still blessed. 

While life has settled in to the new normal, there is still a hole where Timmy was. As he occupied such a large place in the house, the calendar and our schedules, it is a large hole, but one that we are learning to deal with.

Our church gave us a card and love gift leading up to Timmy's birthday to encourage us to do something together as a family to remember Timmy. This brought me back to the blog and gave me 'permission' to read through the events of Timmy's life and enjoy the pictures again. I didn't have the time to do it, but the thought gave me permission to do something I needed to do, that I didn't have time for. (Amazing how you can make time if you need to)

Today Jen and I will head to Rochester again, just the two of us, to make dinner for the families at the Ronald McDonald House. We don't get many date nights, and as much as the kids need to be a part of the grieving / celebrating Timmy process, we need the time for ourselves as well. Grandma and grandpa will get to spend some extra time with all of Timmy's siblings in our absence. I'm sure the company will be appreciated from both sides.

So, we are remembering Timmy's birthday. In part, a sad day that reminds us of our loss, but more than that, an opportunity to remember the gift that God gave us, and allowed us to care for during his life here. He was a blessing to us in his life, a blessing we continue to remember and celebrate today.

The Life of Timmy (Abridged)

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