Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Some Improvements Coming for Timmy

Well, even being over a year into raising our ninth child, we still have a lot to learn. Feeding tube feeding plans, speech, physical and occupational therapies, figuring out problems with a child with a different growth curve and different circumstances. Knowing that is the case, and finding out that Timmy should be with us longer than we were led to believe 6 months ago, we have been working to get the help that we and Timmy need lined up.

Next week, we are planning on heading to Rochester to learn about Timmy's nutritional needs and get some advice from some professionals. We will also hope to get a swallow study done to make sure that Timmy is able to swallow foods properly with no physical problems in the way. This will hopefully open the way to working with Timmy on taking foods by mouth and doing some eating therapy.

Today we got a call from the Early Intervention Program coordinator working with us to let us know that they have the therapists for Timmy lined up and the therapists should be getting in touch with us soon to start working on the speech, physical and occupational therapies. For Timmy, it is obviously a big help, and to us it will be a help to learn better how we can work with him to help him in those areas. We have seen him making progress in those areas and are excited to learn more and hopefully see some more progress as we work with him in a more structured way.

As far as recent blessings, one of Timmy's great grandmothers was out to the house recently and was able to see Timmy. The only other time she has seen him was at Great-grandpa's funeral. Unsurprisingly, she does not remember much about that day. She will get a picture of the occasion to remind her. 

We like the happy times. It almost looks like he is clapping, but I think that is just how his hands happened to be held at that moment. He still needs help to clap.

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